Today is February 28th, it is Maddi's birthday party today. I have been up since about 9 am cleaning and decorating the entire house to get ready for the party. Honestly I have never thrown her a birthday party like this, we always just go to Chucky Cheese or someplace like that and let them do all the work. But this year I decided to have her party here at our new home.
We just rented a 4 bedroom townhouse with a living room, family room, dining room and all the rooms for each of the kids, I was so excited when I found this place my kids have never had a room of their own and well Maddi has basically always shared a room with me so it is a learning experience every night on sleeping in our own rooms. The boys have always wanted their own spaces and well honestly I wanted them to have their own spaces, so now I can find the true slob of them all. HaHa
I guess I should introduce all of us to you all.
I am Melissa, the mom, I am 39 and we all live in Ohio in a small town, we love this town alot the kids have grown here for many years. We did actually live in East Texas for about 10 months, my best friend lives there you will meet her later on in this blog.
James my oldest son, he is my football player, guitar player, my smartelic. He was born February 7th, 1995 he just turned 14 a few weeks ago and well he acts like he is going on 30 but he is part of my heart and soul. He can be a good kid but then he can be a BAD kid also. He enjoys so many different activities that half the time I can't even keep up with all he does.
Jesse my middle child, I proclaim him as my GOOD kids for the most part he is awsome. He was born July 21st, 1996. He is a computer geek, there are times I have to hollar his name to make sure he is in the house, he is very quiet for the most part and my only completely well behaved child, dont get me wrong he does get in trouble occasionaly but not like the other two.
Maddison my youngest and my only girl, she is my Dramaqueen. She was born on February 27th, 2002. She is completely rotten and spoiled to how any princess should be, she has more toys, more clothes then anyone else in this house and well life just wouldnt be the same without her pressence each and everyday.