Well its been awhile since I have posted, cause life is upside down right now for me and my family. I am hoping in the next few weeks things will turn around and start getting better. I have job interview Monday at a Lawfirm in Cincy, I am hoping that it works out and I can secure that job. It will help with financial things around here, waiting tables lately just hasnt been cutting the mustard.
All the kids and myself I believe are finally healthy, it was a rough few weeks there with all of sick at different times. My mother was in an accident on Tuesday and broke her ankle, (broke isnt really the word for it) she has been in the hospital for 3 days now, she is getting to come home today (Friday). I was there when it happened so I havent got much sleep cause when I close my eyes I replay the accident over and over in my mind, guess trying to figure out if anything what we could have done differently or maybe tryin to find reason not to blame myself for the accident. My heart weighs a ton right now cause I do feel like it was my fault if I hadnt asked her to ride, she might not have ridden that day. Yes she was trying to mount her horse so we could go riding and he got spooked and took off. Just typing about it makes me upset so I will stop. But good news she is coming home today, bad news she will be on IV antibiotics for about 4 weeks so she will have to have a home nurse come in and help take care of her. I will be spending my evenings over there also helping care for her and make sure she gets dinner and things that she needs done.
Maddi is signed up for cheerleading I believe I posted about that but I do have a few pics of her in her uniform and her dance recital is this coming weekend so I have a few pics of her all dressed up.

They finish up school on Monday but it will just be a fun day and they get out early so today was actually their last day of school I have a few pics of the boys excited about that.

Signing off for now must head to my mom's house to get ready for her to come home. Until next post you take care and I love ya all...
It was good to hear from you the other day. I am glad your mom is coming home. YAY schools out for summa!!! Oh mel when I sent you that email about info on the boys it was for unique xmas gifts.