Yesterday when I got home from work, I always get on the computer and check on Stellan and check my email. I had a message on myspace which I dont use very often, from my sister. A sister I have never really met, I remember her as a baby when she was first born but that was the last time I had seen her. My sperm-donor aka father, left my mother for her mother, so there was alot of hate going on in my home that consumed my mother and father and her mother. She made a comment in her email that how could one man help create such beautiful children and just walk away. I never have really worried about my father or his actions, I have always felt he is the one missing out on my life all my sisters life and my brother and of course all of our children. To sum up my siblings my oldest is Scott, then comes Loreen, then Barb, then myself then Amanda and finally Kim. I knew Scott growing up he was raised by our grandparents, Loreen I met in 1977 for the first time she was placed up for adoption as a baby, Barb and I were raised together, Amanda and Kim were raised together never knowing about Barb and myself. See my sperm donor was married a few times and 2 kids from those marriages. My understanding is that Brenda..Amanda and Kim's mother spoke of Scott and Loreen but never of myself and Barb. My sperm donors new wife Becky was also unaware of our existance in this world and that him and my mother were never married. So that kinda pisses my mother off since she spent that money on divorcing him, but that is the past as of yesterday my two long lost sister may become apart of my life. They have children I have niece's and nephews my kids have more cousins all kinds of things going on in my brain. Could we create a new family out of the one our sperm donor created for us? What is so amazing is that we only live about 2 hours apart, how could I just sit here and not desire to go and see them, hug them. Wow I am an older sister, I have never had that feeling really cause Barb and Loreen were older then I, I am was the baby till now. Now Kim holds that title in this long line of Wages's kids. Or could there be more of us? Could he had donated to strangers we dont know about? So to sum up this post Excited, Nervous,Pissed,and I guess all the other emotions one could feel in a spot like this. I want to meet my sisters, I want to know them, I want to love them. Posting a couple pictures first one is of Kim I believe, other is of Amanda and her boys.

wOW....Mel that is interesting to say the least. I am happy they found you and pissed your sperm donor did not give the respect to allow his kids to know each other. Forget knowing him he can suck it, but you should know his spawn, they are innocent productions of his bedroom antics. I am happy for you that you will be meeting them. I understand you excitment and am thrilled for you.