Well this morning when we got up I had to take the kids to the denist, now that was a fun journey. Maddi was first in the chair for her teeth cleaning and well what they found wasnt nice, she had 2 cavities so she got moved to a different chair to get those taken care of today. James was 2nd to go in the chair amazingly enough he didnt have any cavities but he had to move to the other chair also for sealants for his teeth. Jess was 3rd to go and YAY perfect nothing but a nice cleaning to shine up his teeth.

Then it was out to grab a bite to eat before school, but never looking at the clock it took over 2 hours at the denist so by the time I got them all fed, it was actually to late to take them to school so basically they all got to play hooky today with a Dr.s note. The entire time this morning Maddi was bugging me to get her hair cut so I finally said fine lets do that while we are out too, except Jess just got his hair cut last week when I took him to get his eyebrows done. So we dropped him off at the house so he could take a little nap and I took James and Maddi to get their haircut.
Well I must say we are on day 4 of contacts and he is doing awsome, he is getting better about getting them in and out. I am so proud of him and I knew he would suceed at this he always does when he puts his mind to something. He goes on Tuesday to get checked, and then we are good to go.

Posting a few pics of no glasses, new haircuts, enjoy your day its beautiful here today so we are going to do some yard work...

Wow, that does not sound like a day off at all, kinda sounds like my "vacations" haha. Yanno Me, You and Ashley should schedule a 3day cruise in the future, just us, no kids, or men. Wouldn't that be fun, like every 3 years or so until the kids are grown and then like every year?........Jesse, I am so proud of you and your strength to wear contacts, that is awesome. Also I must say you look handsome, all manscaped with no specs, watch out girlies, in the words of Randy Jackson."WE GOT A HOT ONE HERE"!. Jay, great job on the teeth that is awesome you rock. Ok Miss Maddie candy eating soda sucking pants *shaking finger at you* lol just kidding I am just the same, go in for a cleaning and BAM!!! Need $500 worth of work. GIrly it sucks, I am sorry but you do got to slow down or your mouth is going to beep at the airport security.